Monday, June 29, 2009


okay, so sir isn't here today, so we can't use the cameras *glares*

but that's okay, i don't think we could have done them anyway, cause renee isn't here.

so, instead we have to answer all these questions on RSS feeds.
i have no idea what they are,
we got a website and we have to use it to answer the questions, so if you need any information on it, go to

now, onto the questions !

Question one
Definition of RSS feed:
RSS stand for Really Simple Syndication (for reals?[ha, that's awesome !]). And all it basically is, is like, something that allows information to be sent to other websites and whatnot. i think, i have like no idea, but okay.

Question two
What goes in the web feed?
There are two types of feed, a partical feed and a full feed. A full feed is when you get the entire article, so you don't have to go back to the website to get more information. A partical feed is when you only get the headline, a summary of the information, and the link to the website, so you can go on it.

i prefer the full feed.

Question three
What can a feed do for you?
Feeds give you whatever your looking for basically without looking on the web. All you have to do is put in your preferences and you get all the information based on that. Feeds keep you updated.

Question four
How are feeds different from e-mail?
Subscriptions are anonymous, there is no spam (i hate that spam and junk mail !), AND when you click unsubcribe, it ACTUALLY unsubscribes you ! (seriously, when you do that with email it doesn't do anything !)

Question five
How do people read feeds ?
By visiting the page and a feed automatically gets the information updates.

Question six
How do you find the feeds you want to subscribe to?
By a keyword search

alllllllllllllllll doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : )

Monday, June 22, 2009


okay, for our assignment i'm paired with adeng and renee.
our assignment is to make a short movie using different camera angles, soundtracks and editing.

the main point of this assignment is to basically test our skill using the different programs needed to edit and add to our movies. (i think)

for our movie, we're focusing on bullying and how different people can get bullied/

each of us are going to be bullied to give the idea that bullying is bullying no matter what, and that it always has it's effect on people, no matter who they are.

it's going to be hard, cause we haven't started filming yet, and editing will take a while aswell, also, adding music and which music to add where.

but if we get stuck into it nowwwwww, i think our end product will be good.

i think we might just borrow the video cameras at the library for lunchtime scence and the ist rooms cameras for the rest.

well, that's all for now.

Friday, June 19, 2009

What Are Storyboards

really, what are they ?
well, for this post, i'm gonig to be filling in the blanks about storyboards.

(answers are in black)

1. Storyboard is a sequence of still pictures deliberately arranged to represent the events of a story which will be filmed.

2. A storyboard acts as a visual script for lighting, camera and most importantly the narrative development and continuity.

3. What are 2 problems that could be encountered if a storyboard is absent from a script?
There would be a danger of misunderstanding the descriptions or film terms.There could be language differences.

4. What si the name of the main type of storyboard? Production Storyboard.

5. What is a Conceptual Sheet or Painting storyboard?
This is only a sequence of images, much like a photo-essay

6. Who are TV storyboards produced for ? They are produces for the people involved in any type of film or t.v show. Eg, the producer, or actors.

7. The story which is told in a film is broken down into narrative elements which are Film

8. If a film is filmed in real time it would be tedious and time-consuming so what is done to make it more interesting? The plot is broken down further into important events or situations

9. What are these called? Moments.

10. These are categorised as Atmospheric, Narrative and Critical

11. When are Establishing or Long Shot ( LS) used in filming?
Generally used to establish a scene's setting or atmosphere

12. Mid -Shot. (MS) are used to focus on (on a person) from the foot to the head.

13. What is the difference in using High Camera Angle (HCA) compared to
Low Camera Angle (LCA) ?
In the high camera angle, the camera is higher than eye level, looking down -this viewpoint can diminish a subject or give a panorama, while the low camera angle is situated, lower than eye level looking up. This can make a subject monumental, or the character feel small in a tall environment.

14. How do you start a storyboard? Write a Synopsis of the plot (narrative) of the film.

15. What is the next step in creating the storyboard? Break up the plot into Moments and Scenes, then Shots

16.. Pencilling in the scenes and shots is the next step.

17.What is involved in Analysing the scenes?
Look for Mise-en-Scene, Montage, or Camera Angle shots required to enhance a scene.

18. What does Flesh out the Draft mean? Use drawings, Clip Art or Digital photos and add more detail to the shot description and SFX panels.

therreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you go :)

hope this helped, it did for me.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Broadband and Bandwith (what's that?)

okay, so for this task, i got a link to two different websites, and then i had to read them and now i have to answer questions about them.

so, i'll give you the links, in case you need any information about them.

okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, so the links aren't working for some reason.....
so i guess i can't give you the links, or do this task properly, so i'll ask mr. lennon.

he said "just google it" <----- his exact words i swear !

sooo, here we go :)

1. What is broadband?
Its high-speed, high-capacity transmission medium that can carry signals from multiple independent network carrier on a fiber-optic cable. In other words, super-fast internet.

2. What units are used to measure bandwidth?
Gigabytes and Megabytes?

3. How much faster is broadband than dial up?
10 to 20 times

4. What are the speeds that broadband operates at compared to dial up?
Broadband=between 256 kbit/s and 10 Mbit/s
Dial up=either 28.8 kbit/s or 56 kbit/s

5. What are some of the advantages of using a broadband connection to download something like a video compared to dial up?
You can use applications that need speed and its reallly fast. Much more then dial-up.

laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast question :)

6. Create an image in paint that illustrates how a high bandwidth connection can move more data compared to a dial up connection at a given time.

just click on it to make it bigger, and readable :))

Monday, June 1, 2009

Video Characteristics.

well, in this task, i had to open a video(it was pre-chosen) and upload it into movie maker

then, i had to save it as all these different video types and compare the differences in a table.

these are my results: (sorry it's so small, i couldn't do it any bigger without it going all pixel-y :S)

then, i had to save the video as two different file types. the first one was "Video for dial up access (38kbps)" and the second one was "Video for IDSN (48kbps)"

then i had to watch both copies of the video and compare them.

when i watched the first one, it was all pixel-y and i couldn't really make anybody out. All the picture was fuzzy, and the colour was bad too. Everything was a dark green-y colour. nothing like the original. Also the sound wasn't very clear.

when i watched the second copy is was perfect. The picture was very clear, and so was the sound. the colour was good aswell. it was just like watching the original.

now, i have to give possible reasons for these results. okay, so first i went to movie maker and opened the video, then i chose to save it as the first one (again) but i didn't save it, i just looked at the information (the cream boxes in the table above.) and it said there there were only 15 frames per second, which can contibute to the pixle-yness of the video and the colour aswell.

then i chose to save it as the second one again, and the frames per second were exactly the same, so i have absolutly no idea why thing one it better than the other except that maybe the first one is for a dial-up and we don't have dial-up on these computers.

other than that i have no idea,
anybody got any ideas ?