Tuesday, April 7, 2009


well, i FINALLY uploaded my animation, and it's really gay.

i had a LOT of problems with this one,

first of all, i kept changing my mind on what i wanted to do,

the day it was due i changed my mind, and wanted to do something simpler, because i hit a snag in the road. I didn't know how to make the words "mercedes" come out of the egg in a good way, so i changed my mind, and i was gunna have the letters coming in from the side of the thing like, wobbling, BUT that was taking too long, and i was running out of time,

so i went back the the egg one, and just decided to make the word mercedes flash on the screen. and then i was thinking, "but now the egg has nothing to do with it", but i just decided to leave it as a show of my talents.(like i have any.)

so, my frames were made, BUT, when i uploaded them to gimp, it played backwards and it was all on top of each other and it was horrible. unforntunately, that was all for the day and i had to go home, so i uploaded all my frames to my usb, and i was gunna download gimp when i got home and do it then.

When i got home, i downloaded gimp, but my computer wasn't reading the usb, so i couldn't get anything off it :(.

So, i left it for the weekend, (i wrote a blog to mr. lennon, but i deleted it yesterday)

on monday, i told mr. lennon what happend, (the frames playing backwards and on top of each other) and he said, it was because i made the frames transparent(playing on top of each other) and it was playing backwards because the images were uploading to gimp backwards, so i had to open all the frames separetly in paint, and save them with a white background(playing on top of each other), after that was done, i just uploaded the frames backwards into gimp, easy.

then, i uploaded to photobucket, like i always do, and uploaded it to my blogger from there, BUT it was toooooooooooo big, and if you have seen it before, it didn't show all of it because it was too big to fit on the screen. so i asked mr. lennon, he said it was too big a size, so i opened it up in gimp, resized it, and repeated the above precess.

and that's the story of my animation.