well, this thing is killing me.
(that's what i called my animation[minus the 'well' part])
i have everything planned out, but i don't know when to put the cracks in and whatnot, and if i should make the egg just shake or full roll.
AND to top it all of, i have no frames, and this is our last lesson for the week.
well, it looks like it goodbye to lunch, recess and my computer time. (as if i did anything worth it anyway)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by fallshort__ at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
okay, i changed my mind again (big surprise there).
i'm using gimp again, and i know what i'm gunna do
(probably not gunna happen[i bet you i'll just end up doing the font thingy.])
i'm gunna make a blue egg (like a pale blue[blue because of mercedes])
and it's gunna be in a nest(a brown nest) and it's gunna be rocking and cracking and then it's gunna crack, and the words "mercedes" are gunna come out, and go to the bottom of the page and wiggle and stuff.
pretty cool huh ?
(no, it isn't, but it'll pass[i hope.])
Posted by fallshort__ at 10:21 AM 0 comments
well, i changed my mind, i'm gunna do the assesment on inkspace.
it just looks easier.
still have NO idea of what i'm gunna do, but i'll probably change my mind about it 17 times (at the least.)
wait, there is onee.
i was thinking i could have the word "mercedes" in the middle of the page and i'm gunna change the font heaps, and change the backgrounds.
wait, no, that's gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
well, i'm all out of ideas.
peace out.
Posted by fallshort__ at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
well, i got no idea's on how i'm gunna do this.
i mean, i have to make like 100 frames, what the heck am i supposed to do that goes for that long.
especially when it's about my house.
does anyone have any idea's ?
Posted by fallshort__ at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Image File Types.
well, this is the next task that has to be done.
I'm looking for info on the different file types, for example, gif files, jpeg files etc.
well, getting started.
GIF files are usually used for small animations, and low resolution film clips. The number of colour gif images have are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256. GIF cannont be used for digital photography or still images.
JPEG files are used mainly for digital cameras or other photographic things. Also, it can be used for storing and transmitting images over the world wide web. Cool, huh. The number of colour a JPEG has is either 256, 16777216 or 4294967296. JPEG's cannot be edited multiple times because i don't know why.
Animated GIF's are used for making series of images or frames. Animated GIF's are larger than single frame GIF's which would mean they would take longer to download because of the size. The size of an animated GIF file is usually 60x60 pixels.
MPEG files are used for digital video's or digital audio compressions. To use MPEG files, your computer would have to have sufficient speed, large hard disk space and lots of internal memory. MPEG's have 800mb of colour and a standard 1100kbps.
SHOCKWAVE files are mostly used for multimedia, but also for vector images. SHOCKWAVE files can be played in Adobe Flash Player, working as a browser plug-in or a standalone player. It has 800x600 pixels and a 16 bit depth
: )
Posted by fallshort__ at 10:43 AM 0 comments
well, we got an assesment.
*cough cough*
wells, this is where i'll be keeping my ideas and stuff. Almost like a diary, (wow, never had one of those before. [seriously, i haven't.])
This is my first diary entry(ew). Well, i think i'm gunna do the assesment on gimp, cause it's easier and stuff.
For those of you who are wondering what the assesment is, i'll tell you. And for those who don't care what the assesment is, go before i bore you to death.
Anyway, i have to make a 5 second animation on either gimp or inkscape(i'm using gimp) and it has to involve my house in someway (as in school colour house.). I'm in mercedes, which is blue.
That's basically it. I should probably start, seeing as it's due like, in 2 weeks, and i still have like, a billion tasks to do before the term ends.
well, back to work.
Posted by fallshort__ at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
heeeeeey yall.
been a while hasn't it ?
well, here's an animation i madeeee.
: )
enjoy !
Posted by fallshort__ at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Posted by fallshort__ at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Wannabe little red riding hood.
Well, i made this using the drawing tools on microsoft word.
How awesome is this ?

That's how i do.
(Look at the wolf.)
: )
Posted by fallshort__ at 10:47 AM 0 comments